2023APCS & Mayors' Forum in Brisbane

See you in 2025!

2023APCS & Mayors Forum in Brisbane - Bic Picture Session

See you in 2025!

2023APCS & Mayors Forum in Brisbane - Market Square

See you in 2025!

Slider ECD

See you in 2025!

With an alumni of more than 600 cities from around the world, the APCS is one of the largest and most diverse gatherings of mayors and city leaders.

The Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) and Mayors’ Forum is the region’s premier Summit that brings together one of the largest number of city leaders with the best and brightest in business. Recognised internationally as an opportunity to foster collaboration, discuss strategies and initiatives for sustainability, growth and inclusion, the Summit attracts the highest calibre of delegates, including mayors, urban planners, policy makers and innovators from across the Asia Pacific region, with over 15,000 delegates from more than 600 cities participating to date.

Cities are increasingly recognised as key influencers, connectors and contributors to the global economy, and the Summit is the platform for connection and knowledge exchange.

Brisbane proudly hosted the 2023 Asia Pacific Cities Summit (2023APCS) & Mayors' Forum from 11 to 13 October. The 2023APCS focussed on the overall theme of “Shaping cities for our future” and welcomed almost 1,200 delegates from a record-breaking 171 cities and 118 Mayors and Deputy Mayors. 

To find out more about who attended and key highlights from the 2023APCS visit our Highlights page.